Pictures From the Women’s March 2017 in NYC

Ebony Edwards-Ellis
3 min readMar 7, 2019


Note: This story originally appeared on my blog on January, 2017.

Like hundreds of thousands of other women, I participated in New York City’s Women’s March, one of the many sister marches to the Women’s March in Washington. Here are some of the pictures and videos I took.

This is what I saw when I arrived shortly before 4pm at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza at 885 Second Avenue:

Then we started marching.

We chanted as we shuffled along. (Shuffle is the operative word as we were packed in so tightly, that quick movement was not possible.)

Some of the chants:

Leader: “Tell me what democracy looks like!”

Crowd: “This is what democracy looks like!”

“Build a fence around Mike Pence!”

Women: “My body, my choice!”

Men: “Her body, her choice!”

“Dump the Trump!”

“She Got More Votes!”

“The People United Will Never Be Defeated!”

“”Say It loud, Say It Clear, Everyone is Welcome Here!”

“Hey, Hey! Ho! Ho! Donald Trump Has Got to Go!”

“”Black Lives Matter!”

“We need a leader, not a racist Tweeter!”

Then we turned onto 42nd Street and headed up to Grand Central Terminal:

As we approached the terminal, the energy in the crowd increased considerably:

We continued to stroll along 42nd Street up to 5th Avenue as darkness began to descend.

We got to 42nd and Fifth Anenue…

and turned right, heading uptown and began a slow crawl up to 55th Street.

The crowd did more chanting as it got darker.

We continued our procession up Fifth Avenue past Rockefeller Center, inching ever so slowly to the terminus of the march route, 55th and Fifth Avenue.

Finally, we reached the end. Cold and shouted hoarse, I made my way on aching feet to Q train station and went home.



Ebony Edwards-Ellis
Ebony Edwards-Ellis

Written by Ebony Edwards-Ellis

Author of "Former First Lady" and "Memoir of a Royal Consort." Twitter provocateur, aspiring shut-in, and newly minted Roosevelt Islander.

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