Member-only story
Relitigating the 2016 Election: Open Letter To Trump Voters
Note: This story originally appeared on my blog in the early morning hours of November 9, 2016.
2nd Note: “Relitigating the 2016 Election” is a series of the contemporaneous blog posts that I wrote in the lead up to the 2016 election. As these posts reflect my views at that time, they have not been updated.
Dear Trump Supporters:
I bet you feel real proud of yourselves. You flipped off the liberal media and the coastal elites and, not only did you get away with it, you won. Bigly. Donald Trump is now President-elect of the United States.
While I was watching the early returns, I watched some of the interviews you people gave explaining your support for the Republican candidate. And in too many of these interviews, you glowingly praised Trump for “telling it how it is.”
Trump wasn’t “telling it like it is” when he claimed that Mexicans are rapists.Trump wasn’t “telling it like it is” when he claimed that John McCain wasn’t a war hero for getting captured while fighting in Vietnam, a war that Trump avoided serving in by using questionable deferments. Trump was most definitely not “telling it how it is” when he claimed to know more about ISIS than most generals. Trump was not “telling how it is” when he claimed that abortions could be performed days before birth. Trump was not “telling it like it is” when he claimed that urban areas populated by blacks were so dangerous that one…