The Republicans Are Totally Trying To Suppress Your Vote
Note: This story originally appeared on my blog on 02/09/17.
Over the past few weeks, progressives have been resisting the Trump regime at every turn. Anarchists and other groups rioted on Inauguration Day, successfully blocking entry onto the Mall in certain points. The very next day, the Women's March went on to become the biggest single day protest in American history. Days after that, thousands of Americans showed up at airports all over the country to condemn Trump's Muslim ban. The Democrats valiantly struggled to scuttle the confirmations of Betsy DeVos and Jeff Sessions. And, all over the country, concerned citizens are inundating their elected representatives with angry phone calls, faxes, and letters demanding that they not vote to repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, scrap the EPA, etc.
But with all the progressive firefighters putting out so many Trumpian fires at once, one smoldering electrical fire buried deep within the walls of American democracy, is about to combust, largely ignored. And not extinguishing this particular fire will result in the burning embers of democracy crashing down on everyone's head.
Two days ago, the Committee of House Administration voted to scuttle the Election Assistance Committee. Established under the Help America Vote Act of 2002, the EAC was "charged with administering payments to states and developing guidance to meet [Help America Vote Act] requirements, adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and accrediting voting system test laboratories and certifying voting equipment." The EAC was also responsible for "developing and maintaining a national mail voter registration form." The vote to eliminate the EAC went along party lines, with the Republicans voting in favor of shutting it down.
This is yet another GOP ploy to prevent members of certain populations--people of color, the poor, students, etc.--from flexing their political muscle at the voting booth. After all, the changing demographics of the United States are making it increasingly difficult for a party of older politically conservative white males to dominate the American political landscape. While voter ID driven voter suppression and the disenfranchisement of convicted felons have kept millions away from the polls and extreme GOP gerrymandering has tightened the Republican stranglehold on state governments all over the country, the GOP isn't yet satisfied that it has made voting difficult enough for certain Americans. Gutting the EAC is just one step in a multi-step process to keep people who aren't right-leaning white males from making their voices heard at the polls.
While the Committee of House Administration vote probably can't be revoked at this time, it is essential that the American people contact the Republicans who voted to eliminate EAC. Like right now.
These politicians are taking it for granted that the American people are so distracted by Trump's (barely thought out and poorly executed) Executive Orders that they can tinker with the gears of American democracy unnoticed. Contacting them--by phone, fax, or mail--is a great way of letting them know that they are being watched and will be held accountable.
The Committee on House Administration can be reached at 202-225-8281 or by fax at 202-225-9957. Congressman Gregg Harper, chair of the committee, can be reached at 202-225-5031.